Pages of interest to me. In alphabetical order within sections.

#banjo-kazooie Related

#banjo-kazooie Dorksnet Page
It's dated in terms of the users list, but other than that cool. A useless information source.

#banjo-kazooie Stats etc
Items of note: stats, Colliwobble's Vacation, in-jokes.

Schnorks Stuff
Personal site for schanorkes.
It's not really related to #banjo-kazooie, but Schroe's in the chat sometimes. 

Jeff's stuff
a.k.a. archive of hilarious pictures.

Spacecow's Site
Another personal site with random fun stuff.

Yumblie's Place in Cyberspace
It's got hilarious things on it (as do all the personal sites).. Includes bk stats somewhere.

If anyone else has a personal site they would like linked here (because this spot is so very prestigious!) feel free to tell me so. In the chat, obviously.

Hilarity Related
Your name determines your personality! Read profiles for names such as Hitler, Foot, and slimshady3851.

Killer Japanese Seizure Robots!
Oh no I am having a seizure!

Liberty University Rules & Regulations
Highlights: "attending a dance," "immorality," "witchcraft."
It is important to support this organization.

PETA Children's Art Gallery
A classic.

Pokey the Penguin
Nowadays it goes years without updating.  YES

Santa Claus Does Not Exist
This will set your facts aright. 

World War II Propoganda Cartoons
Delightful. Actually pretty bad quality, but still. 


Astronomy Picture of the Day
A good source for wallpapers.

Exit Mundi
I can't vouch for the credibility of this information, but this is a nice site about the end of the world.

Rate My Kitten
A fantastic site with which to learn about feline adolescence.
Guess what this site is about. 

Quantum Consciousness







Site © Forever Canjo R., Richard F., et al.
Many thanks to Uncle Fred for hosting!